If you’re a writer or editor working to improve your SEO copywriting skills, mastering subject-verb agreement is crucial. This rule may seem basic, but it’s often overlooked and can negatively impact the clarity and readability of your content. Here are some basic rules to help you avoid common mistakes in subject-verb agreement.

1. Singular subjects take singular verbs, and plural subjects take plural verbs.

For example, “The cat is sleeping” is correct, while “The cat are sleeping” is incorrect. Similarly, “The cats are sleeping” is correct, while “The cats is sleeping” is incorrect.

2. When a singular subject is joined by “or” or “nor” with another singular subject, the verb agrees with the nearest subject.

For example, “Neither the cat nor the dog is awake” is correct, while “Neither the cat nor the dog are awake” is incorrect.

3. Collective nouns (such as “team,” “family,” or “group”) can be either singular or plural, depending on whether the group is acting together as a unit or as individuals.

For example, “The team is playing well” is correct, as the team is acting as a unit. However, “The team are arguing amongst themselves” is also correct, as the team members are acting as individuals.

4. Indefinite pronouns (such as “everyone,” “anyone,” or “someone”) are always singular and take a singular verb.

For example, “Everyone is here” is correct, while “Everyone are here” is incorrect.

5. When subjects are separated by words or phrases, it’s easy to lose track of the subject’s number. Always double-check to ensure that the verb agrees with the subject.

For example, “The cat, along with the dog, is sleeping” is correct, while “The cat, along with the dog, are sleeping” is incorrect.

By following these basic rules for subject-verb agreement, you’ll be able to write clear, concise, and effective content that will help improve your website’s SEO. Remember to proofread your work carefully, and if you’re unsure about the agreement between your subject and verb, ask a colleague or consult a grammar reference guide to ensure accuracy.